Monday, March 9, 2009

The other day, I was at a bar in La Plaza Mayor and I saw this bottle of Duff beer on the shelf. I thought that it was just a novelty type thing since the television show The Simpsons is so popular here. However the other day, I went into a bar in Toledo and I looked into a room and saw four or five cases of the Duff beer. So, it turns out that Duff is actually a legitimate brand of beer here in Spain. When I was a kid, I used to watch The Simpsons every day with my family, but until recently I hadn’t watch it for a good five or so years. Once I got to Spain though, I discovered that The Simpsons is still extremely popular and I now watch it every day, at least once a day, at lunch. Watching The Simpsons in Spanish has actually helped to improve my listening skills. I can remember the plot lines from when I used to watch it as a kid, so I already know what is going on and I can listen for specific things while I watch it.

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