Monday, March 23, 2009

On our latest excursion we not only visited Salamanca, but also the little city of Ávila part of the Castille y León region of Spain which is also the capital of the province of Ávila. Avila, a beautiful city, is situated 3665 ft above sea level. At this height, compared to the other capital cities in the country, it holds the highest altitude. Ptolemy wrote a manuscript entitled "Geographia", where he mentions a city called "Abula", while no one is certain, it is a possibility that this city is present day Avila. Abula is supposedly one of the first christianized cities of the Iberian peninsula, but it is also thought that Ávila is actually the city of Obila, and that Abula was what is now Abla. A medieval wall containing eighty-eight towers and nine gateways surrounds the city. The city was great. I loved visiting it. I wish I knew more about the city, but we didn't have a guide to tell us anything, so unfortunately I don't have much information. I do know however, that it was named a UNESCO world heritage site, just like the cities of Toledo and Segovia. 

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